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What is IVF

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What is IVF
What is involved in IVF
Embryology laboratory
Do I need IVF
How many embryos should be created and put back in me.

IVF is an abbreviation for In Vitro Fertilisation. This is a science where a woman’s egg and a man’s sperm are aspirated & fertilised out of the body to create zygotes which later are send back into the womb with an intention to establish a successful pregnancy. Sometimes media loosely uses term like test tube baby for this procedure, though in reality test tube now a days plays a very small role in IVF.


What is involved in IVF ?

Step 1: Fertility Medications: Prescribed to stimulate multiple numbers of eggs in ovary. Ultrasound scans and blood test are done to check the response of the ovaries to these medications.


Step 2: OPU: Oocyte Pick Up, a minor procedure where the eggs are extracted out under ultrasound guidance. Medications are given to remove potential discomfort to the patient.


Step 3: The male provides semen sample, mostly on same day of egg collection. This sample is then used to fertilise the eggs.


Step 4: The most vital phase of the entire IVF procedure occurs in the embryology laboratory. The eggs and sperm extracted out are processed and then the sperm are used to fertilise the eggs using different highly advanced methodology and instruments like high powered microscopes and incubators. Once the fertilisation occurs the eggs are considered as zygotes and then their growth is checked and the zygote is graded.


Step 5: Embryo Transfer: The zygote created by the oocyte and sperm is transferred back into the lady’s uterus, usually after three to five days. It is done with help of a very fine catheter passed into the uterine cavity guided by ultrasound.


After two weeks approximately a simple blood test can tell us if the whole procedure was successful or not.


Embryology laboratory

Often is referred to as the heart of IVF treatment as it plays a paramount role in IVF, the procedures done in the embryology laboratory plays crucial role in success of every IVF treatment.
It is a specialized airtight purpose build suite for creating, growing and preserving human reproductive cells and zygotes (early stage of fetus). The location, construction products, air quality, humidity, temperature and the equipments are all strictly maintained according to recommendations by international human reproduction organizations. All of this is designed and managed by highly qualified and skilled scientists/doctors called embryologists, which are core of all the dreams that come true at HOPE IVF.


If you find creation of humans out of human body interesting, we would be very interested to showcase you this marvelous science at HOPE IVF & its IVF Laboratory.

In India due to lack of educational institutes awarding master degree in clinical embryology, there is a very acute deficiency of educated skilled embryologists, hence most of the centers run with under qualified/under skilled substitutes of embryologists. This results in low performance of embryology lab and hence low success rates, also since these substitutes are not full time the patient have to wait for weeks for their availability.


We at HOPE IVF are proud to state that we have north India’s first qualified full time embryologist (Master degree-Australia) with twelve years of skilled experience. So our patients don’t have to wait plus their case is in qualified and experienced hands.

Do I need IVF ?

Some couples can conceive with early intervention options and for some IVF is the best choice as IVF provides much higher success rates and fast tracks you towards a healthy pregnancy.

Few of the common reasons why your specialist would recommend IVF for you are:


  • Low sperm parameters
  • Age related infertility
  • Problem with ovulation (PCO etc)
  • Fallopian tubes related problems (Damaged or blocked)
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterus related problems
  • Previous ART treatments haven’t helped
  • Recurrent miscarriages
  • Cant find the reason for infertility (Idiopathic)

Under our “Transparent & Smart science” initiative, we run mini info seminars for the patients about their reproductive health issues.
We believe in empowering our patients by giving them more knowledge of their reproductive health, so they can understand as well as be active participants of their treatment.

Give us a call if you find yourself interested in any topic above.

How many embryos should be created and put back in me ?

Number of embryos created depends on number of eggs and sperms produced.
The female age plays a major role in deciding number of eggs to be produced. Numbers of embryos to be transferred also have a strong relation to the age of the female. We don’t want to transfer too many embryos because it increases risks of multiple pregnancy and many more complications later. Less number but higher quality of embryos is the intention for a healthy pregnancy.


All communications are 100% confidential.
