On this Page
- Patients first.
- Qualified and expertise.
- Unbiased audits.
- Personalised treatment.
- Ethical treatment.
- Transparency
- Affordable treatment.
- Specialised in complicated areas.
- Modern clinic
Choosing a fertility clinic and specialist is a big decision and it’s important to go with the one that’s the best fit for you. You would need a team that is qualified and skilled exclusively for infertility & you’re comfortable with; a team that listens to you and is going to maximise your chance of taking home a baby .
Our Advantages
1 Patient first: Supportive & Compassionate care:
- Providing comprehensive and compassionate care for medical and emotional aspects of infertility.
- Treasuring patient’s trust: by providing multiple consultations & educational sessions with simple, clear instructions about infertility & its treatment.
- Our team is sensitized about your anxiety, stress, concerns and fears about infertility.
- HOPE provides unlimited multiple sessions with highly qualified fertility team.
- Detailed individual treatment plan, just for you & according to your body.
- 24/7 clear point of contact for medical, financial and any other support.
2 Qualified & Expertise:
- At HOPE you get access to, best educated, trained and experienced international fertility team.
- Highly qualified in house fertility team has post graduation and master degree qualifications in gynaecology, obstetrics and clinical embryology from national and international medical universities.
- HOPE has full time services of North india’s first master degree awarded embryologist (Monash medical-Australia), unlike some centers which work around visiting under-qualified/under skilled embryologists. With us you dont wait due to lack of in house team.
- HOPE Fertility provides a fertility team with 30 years of collective experience, comprising specialists from different fertility allied streams like gynaecology, embryology, sonology, genetics, andrology and endocrinology.
- We provide treatment for genetics and stem cell related infertility issues with our genetic specialist from (Kyoto university Japan).
We have years of experience with renowned IVF groups from Europe and Australia.
- Bourn Hall: Nobel award (UK), world’s first IVF baby created.
- Monash IVF (Australia) pioneers of many IVF advancements like blastocyst culture, advanced genetic screening on embryos, 4D USG technique etc.
3 Treatment excellence:
- SOP: Standard Operating Procedure is a step by step detailed documented description of the medical procedure to achieve efficiency, quality output and uniformity of performance. To maintain high standards of our results, HOPE team follows the SOP recommended by world authorities on fertility like ASRM (American Society for Reproductive Medicine), ESHRE (European Society for human Reproduction and Embryology) and FSA(Fertility Society of Australia).
- HOPE provides a team which has a long established track record of superior success rate even in complicated cases.
- Access to advanced reproductive technology: HIF (HOPE International Fertility) invests heavily in scientific equipments and constant up gradation of them.
- IVF lab: The heart of every IVF treatment is the embryology laboratory. HIF dedicates a special purpose build airtight suite for embryologist to create and grow your embryos. Extreme high levels of pure temperature controlled air quality is maintained in the lab by microfilters (HEPA). We are the first one in our state to have a transparent embryology lab so that the patient can sit outside and observe as our embryologist creates their bundle of joy.
- IVF instruments and machines: HOPE fertility provides to our patients the best of IVF instruments from the top Bio-medical companies from UK, Japan, EU & USA.
- In-house lab team: For you that means- all fertility treatments at one location, a team that dedicates itself for ensuring every minute aspect of the embryology lab performs at its best-this can be only done when the embryology lab team is available in house all the time. You dont have to wait for weeks because we have a full time qualified embryologist, we fast track you towards your pregnancy.
4 Unbiased audits:
- HOPE Fertility is the only fertility center to open up itself to an unbiased external auditing authority. This act falls under our policy of transparency & commitment of best IVF practices towards our patients and to the science of IVF. Our team evaluates every case individually and then all cases monthly to iron out any kinks. Our results are compared against the best IVF centers in europe and australia.
5 Personalised Treatment:
- Every couple is different, so is there infertility hence we design a unique treatment plan for every couple. It starts with a detailed consultation with embryologist and your fertility specialist, followed by tests and then a tailored treatment plan customised accordingly to your test results, age, medical history & personal preferences.
- This ensures us that we are creating the highest possibility for every couple to have a healthy baby.
6 Ethical treatment:
- We pay high attention to the ethics & morals involved in ivf treatment.
- We make sure you and your embryos receive the highest possible dignified treatment which is your right.
- Maintaining your privacy is also our priority.
- We install multiple paperwork and checks to create a full proof paper trail to track any procedure or treatment creating your baby with only your own biological cells.
- We also do not over promise to avoid creating false hope, so we share the internationally established benchmarks of IVF treatment prognosis.
7 Transparency:
- We strictly adhere to our policy of transparency.
- Transparency in distributing information-It empowers you.
- Transparency in treatment planning-To know your bodies and the best treatment for realizing your dream.
- Transparency in payments- No hidden costs.
- HOPE has Rajasthan’s first see through glass IVF Lab: Sit and watch us create your embryos, just one of many steps towards patient empowerment & transparency.
8 Affordable Treatment:
- HOPE provides flexible payment options.
- Our knowledge and services are not limited to middle or upper class only: With help of our associates we are successfully running a low cost fertility program for the needy.
- You take advantage of top fertility care available at affordable prices, without compromising on effectiveness or safety ever. Never need to worry about hidden charges.
- Accessible fee and no upfront payment.
9 Specialise in complicated cases:
- Our team of multiple disciplines contributes to find a solution for your fertility issues.
- Few of our interest fields: Recurrent implantation failure, recurrent miscarriage, zero sperm count, surrogate or egg donor cases, genetic screening of embryos (to avoid a particular familial disease or to choose best embryo), genetic screening of endometrium.
10 Modern Clinic:
- Convenient location, unlimited consultations & easy appointments.
- All treatments under one roof with best embryology lab & latest IVF technology.
- Warm and inviting yet professional atmosphere.
- In heart of the new commercial hub of the city.
- Short drive from state bus & train terminal.