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Early Interventions

On this page


Ovulation and conceiving
Egg timer test
Intra uterine insemination
Ultrasound for women
Scanning for timed intercourse
Scanning for IVF

Timed Intercourse

By now you know that the egg released by an ovary needs to be fertilised by a sperm in the body in order to initiate the process of conceiving. If you can know when the egg would be available for the sperm to fertilise then you can time your intercourse to make sure that when the egg is ready; sperm too is available for fertilisation. This is called timed intercourse, a very basic yet natural mean to conceive and it works for many couples quite alright.

Some blood tests, urine test or an ultrasound would help your IVF specialist to pin point this fertility window for you.


Ovulation and Conceiving

Every month your body has a menstrual cycle, during which an egg is released from ovary-this is called ovulation. This ovulation occurs 12-18 days (mostly 14) prior to your period. Once the egg is released then it has maximum of 24 hours to get fertilised. The sperm can survive 2-3days in female reproductive tract, so by figuring out your fertility window your specialist can guide you when to have intercourse to make best use of this fertile period.

Help with ovulation: For you to take benefit of your fertility window, first ovulation has to occur and if there is a problem with ovulation your fertility specialist with help of medications will take care of it.


Egg timer test

What is ovarian reserve:  Since every woman has a finite number of eggs and by the time she reaches her puberty she has four lakh eggs left approximately, so your ovarian reserve is the number of eggs remaining in your ovaries. Rate of egg reserve decline is different among individuals and it mostly accelerates from the age of 32-35 onwards.

What is egg timer test: It s a simple blood test, which can show the egg reserve picture of your ovaries, which in turn is a good indicator of your fertility.


What if my ovarian reserve is low

  • We would recommend you to conceive as soon as possible, as with every passing month this reserve will only reduce further.
  • You can freeze store your eggs (Cryo preserve) for future times.
  • If you are experiencing premature menopause, we can still offer you options including donor eggs.

Who is at risk of low AMH

  • A family history of low AMH & early menopause
  • Had ovarian surgery
  • Severe endometriosis
  • Had chemotherapy or radiotherapy


Information is power and lets you take charge of your fertility.

We can delay starting a family for many different reasons, but it’s a well established fat that the fertility declines with age. Body won’t be able to produce new eggs if the reserve is finished for once and even the last few remaining eggs might not be of a great quality.


How can I get the egg test done:

Take benefit of this test and you might not even need any other ivf services, call us to make an appointment.


Intra Uterine Insemination


IUI is one of the simplest, less complex, less invasive assisted reproduction techniques (ART), also known as assisted insemination (A.I)  it may be used in cases:

  • Ovulation problems
  • Endometriosis
  • Cervical mucus problems
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Mild male factor infertility
  • Scarring of cervix or other factors preventing sperm penetration
  • Cannot have intercourse


It is often the starting point of infertility treatments. IUI is a procedure where the sperm number is increased in the uterus and fallopian tubes to increase the chances of fertilisation.


Consult an IVF specialist to perform some preliminary fertility tests to know if IUI can help you.

IUI is a day care unit procedure, your husband’s semen would be prepared and by a thin soft tube this sample would be injected into your uterus. You would not require sedation and you can get back to your normal routine life in a matter of an hour or so as the procedure itself is just of few minutes.


Ultrasound for women

We at Hope International Fertility are very sensitive to patient’s unique needs and at HIF, all services are tailored to the needs of each individual.

Staff understands that patients desire both caring service and information about their scans, tests and results.

There are a range of services provided by an expert team of fertility specialists, including:

  • Abdominal scans
  • Transvaginal scans

A pelvic ultrasound assesses the female reproductive system, including the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and other pelvic structures. It can provide helpful information for those experiencing:

  • Heavy, irregular or infrequent periods in premenopausal women
  • Pelvic pain
  • Post menopausal bleeding
  • Infertility
  • Follicle Tracking

Follicle tracking involves tracking the development of follicles that contain eggs  within the ovary monitored with trans vaginal ultrasound in combination with blood levels of the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone.


Scanning for timed intercourse

Follicles may be tracked in a natural cycle. When a leading follicle is seen, then intercourse may be appropriately timed. Alternatively, drugs which promote release of the mature egg may be administered.


Scanning for IVF

For most IVF treatments, the ovaries are artificially stimulated with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) which produces multiple mature follicles which are then collected following administration of luteinising hormone (LH). In this setting, the follicular development is followed more closely with 2 to 4 ultrasound scans, and regular blood tests track hormone levels. The timing of an egg collection is based on the ultrasound and blood results. This information is relayed to patients by their IVF nurse or fertility specialist.


All communications are 100% confidential.
